01-4112011, +977-9851209829
Global Air-Conditioning & Trading Pvt. Ltd. is one of the leading engineering Company providing services in the field of Heating, Ventilation ,Air Conditioning and Refrigeration (HVAC&R): Global Air-Conditioning & Trading Pvt. Ltd. company is the distributors of COOLEX BRAND air conditioner units. Coolex Brand is leading and renowned brand in Middle East. Our HVAC brand for your upcoming projects, which has been a front-runner in the field of HVAC. We have catered to several organizations in the past and have had a good working relation with all of them, with no complaints from our clients. As a company, we offer you services that are of the highest standard and at extremely competitive rates. We would like to inform you that we are the HVAC solution provider in industrial and commercial / semi commercial sectors. Global Air-Conditioning & Trading has been...
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